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First Massage Then Sex

When Judy Jolie walks into the spa and greets massage therapist Lucas Frost, she appears confident, sultry, and extremely sexual, making all sorts of innuendo and flirty faces at him. He leads her to the massage room and tells her he'll let her get undressed in private, but she says there's no need, and quickly removes her top. Babysitter Zoe Bloom leads her boyfriend, Jake Adams, through her client's house and up the stairs. "You owe me for doing that thing you like last night," she says with a smile. She wants a massage, a sexy one. "Oh yeah" he remembers and agrees as she strips down. Codey Steele is really tired and has a ...Read More
mysterious bump on his shoulder and doesn't know how he got it. But when he tells Abella Danger about his somnambulist problem, she becomes secretly intrigued. What's worse and even more bizarre is that he massages people when he's resting, too! Over the next few nights, during a montage, Abella takes advantage of her free massages.


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Item#: FTP-06769 Media Type: DVD Region Code: All Picture Format: NTSC Picture Format: 16:9 Widescreen DVD Type: Dual layer Language: English No. of Disc: 1 SubTitle: N/A


Curious Judas


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