Little Brother's Coming Out

Three short vintage gay porn films from Nova Studio! The title segment presents Jeff Scott coming home and catching Jeremy Scott and his buddy Russ Williams stroking off in the bedroom to skin mags. Jeff invites his own buddy over and the action switches between the duos. A Cabin in the Woods features preppy Pat Fulton and burlier Jeff Hunter. Heavy petting with clothes on leads to the bunk beds, where they suck dick between bed rungs. Breaking Through, the most interesting sequence, couples jock David Shaw and his lustful counterpart, Chad Scott, in the locker room. They share teasing and mind games by jacking off for one ...Read More
another, and finally get down to it in the dorm room. The climaxes are great! "Despite their somewhat gritty, raw quality and their almost primitive feeling, the films are nevertheless testaments to some of the earliest and best cinematic erotica, and amazingly, in terms of arousal, still work quite well." - Manshots


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Item#: BU-09574 Media Type: DVD Region Code: All Picture Format: NTSC Picture Format: Not Yet Confirmed DVD Type: n/a Language: English No. of Disc: 1 SubTitle: N/A


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