How I Got The Story

Three hot vintage gay sex vignettes from Nova! In scenic outdoor settings, Beau Matthews interviews Michael Christopher with his mouth full of dick. A blond, buffed surfer and a dark rebel with a leather harness and motorcycle - both with huge muscular bodies and one with an enormous dick - engage in bodybuilding and leather posing, fantasizing about each other and twisting their upright tools. At a photo shoot, a photographer fondles a redheaded model's dick and low hanging balls and the two fuck several times. No dialogue, like most Nova releases, but strong framing and direction and very sexy performers in this classic.
Item# BU-10558
Date 6/23/2023 (Avaliable)
Play Time Apx. n/a


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Item#: BU-10558 Media Type: DVD Region Code: All Picture Format: NTSC Picture Format: 16:9 Widescreen DVD Type: Single Layer Language: English No. of Disc: 1 SubTitle: N/A