This hot original manga is authored and written by the infamous mind of Uzuki Nakamura, who's already renowned world wide for his achievement in realistic yet perverse animes. This new anime, "Cage" will definitely surprise and shock all of you in so many ways.
Cage Chapter 1: Sakimi Endo has finally become Takuya Kakizaki's girlfriend. She thought this happiness would last forever, but something's wrong. Her perfect dreams shattered when she was betrayed by her boyfriend and now she has an incredible amount of debt on her. Not being able to pay this off, she's now d to become a sex slave to countless strangers in
...Read More order to pay off the debt. Her life switched instantly from heaven to hell in a blink of an eye! Just when she thought her life is in despair forever, she receives one mysterious mail. This mysterious mail guides her the way she can get out of this nightmare. And of course, she had her worries and doubt at first, but this was the only hope she has been waiting for. So she heads for the club named "Canary" which was written on the mail. When she arrived, the one who was waiting for her behind the door was the owner of the club "Canary", Amamiya.
Cage Chapter 2: In this chapter, Sakimi Endo becomes very close with Mana Fujido. A strong friendship is bonded between one another; however, their friendship will escalate into love. In this second chapter, there's a lot more cosplay, fetish, anal, and even double penetration; lots of great sex scenes and fetishes can be seen in a very high quality! This is definitely Hentai anime at its finest.
Brief layout of the sex scenes:
1)Sakimi is being d by a doctor. She tries to resist, but she doesn't have a choice on this. The doctor will stick his hard meat up her ass!
2)Sakimi in a maid's outfit will be d by toys while Mana in a preschool outfit gets d by a man.
3)Mana covers for Sakimi and gets d by 3guys; she will be plugged in all three holes at once!
4)This final sex scene is so amazing, words can't describe it. You just have to check it out yourself!